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Who Needs A "Chewy?"

Chewys are most frequently used in two situations:

  • Individuals that use chewing to calm or refocus
  • Individuals with speech or eating-related issues that need to make muscles stronger

How Do You Know Which Chewy To Select?
The most important thing to remember is to pick a chewy that the individual will most likely USE�each person's sensory system has preferences related to texture, pliability and shape. Also, choose a chewy that will reach to muscles in the back of the mouth. Some people like to keep a chewy with them at all times. Because of this tendency you want to choose a holder that is safe for the child. If you are choosing a chewy for self-regulation or strengthening, the easier the access to the chewy, the more frequently it will be used.

©2002 Integrations - a division of Sportime, LLC. This material may be used for individual, educational use only.