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Swing-A-Hoop™ Activity Guide



Congratulations on your purchase of Swing-A-Hoop. This guide is designed to help you and your students get the most benefits from Swing-A-Hoop.

The Swing-A-Hoop can be hung from any overhanging apparatus. Hang it from a basket system, rope support or from a support built just for the Swing-A-Hoop. Simply tie the rope off to any other secure place.

Once it is up, it is just like any other hoop except for one little difference - it is a MOVING TARGET! All of the games you would play at a standard basket can be played on a Swing-A-Hoop. You just have to hit a moving target, which is half the fun!


Pi�ata Ball
Have one student be in control of the rope and who tries to keep other students from making a basket. By pulling the end of the rope, the hoop will leap and dodge around making it even harder to score a basket. If a student scores, they get a turn on the rope. This is a wildly fun game with lots of possibilities.

High/Low Games
The hoop can be set anywhere from a few inches off the ground to 20-25 feet depending on what you have hung it from. This makes for some very interesting shots and play. Preschoolers and K-2 students can make baskets easily when the hoop is set at 4 to 6 feet. Older students love the challenge of shooting at a hoop that is 12' or 15' high.

Team Ball
Have two sets of different-colored balls ready. One team has one color, the other team uses the other. Each team shoots their balls at the hoop. Set a time limit and stop the game at the end of the limit. Whichever team has made the most baskets, wins. Since both teams are standing near the hoop, foam balls should be used for this game. To make it even more exciting, the teacher can move the hoop around as in Pi�ata Ball.


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