Activity Guides
Activity Guides come free with the products you order. This listing lets you preview the ideas for use with the products, before you buy. When you are ready to buy, click here to go the Sportime store, and type the product name into the Search box.
The activity guides we post come in two different formats.
- HTML Format
This is a fast and easy way to see the activity guide. For fast downloads, most of the formatting and all of the pictures are removed. If you want formatting and pictures, go to the PDF option.
- Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
This requires downloading the PDF file and opening it in Adode Acrobat Reader. While it may take a few minutes, the activity guides are fully-formatted and include pictures. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat, download and install it from www.adobe.com. We suggest you view the HTML version first to make sure you have the right activity guide.