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TOP-10 UpperBodyFitness™ CENTER Activity Guide

Written By John L. Smith



Congratulations on your purchase! The TOP-10 UpperBodyFitness CENTER is designed to be used for upper body fitness activities. It consists of 10 stations, each dealing with an upper body strengthening exercise. Each station has a written explanation on the Center next to the activity. Students move from station to station, either in a timed sequence or after completing a certain number of the exercises. The method of rotation can be varied from lesson to lesson. There is an advanced level of each exercise listed later in this guide. This guide is designed to help you and your students get the most from your Sportime equipment purchase.

All equipment for activities is supplied:

    1 Mat
    2 Perfect-Form Half Balls
    4 BeanBagBallsTM
    1 Set of Game Disks

Station Activities

Beanbag Hockey
Starting in the push-up position, students tap the BeanBagBallTM back and forth between the right and left hand. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students toss and catch the ball alternating right and left or toss from right to left, and back.

Around The Back
From the pushup position, students pick up the BeanBagBall with the right hand, bring it around their back and drop it by their left hand. They, then, put their right hand back on the mat. Now they pick up the BeanBagBall with their left hand, bring it around their back and drop it by the right hand. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students start with the ball on their right side, reach around their back and pick up ball with the left hand and put on mat by left side. Then reach around back with their right hand and pick up the ball. Now they return it back to their right side.

4 Corners Push-Ups
Students begin in the push-up position with hands on #1 and #2. Now they move the right hand to 3 and the left hand to 4. Then they move their right hand back to 1 and the left hand back to 2. Repeat. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students start with hands on 1 and 4, and, with a slight push-up, they switch both hands at the same time.

Touch It
Starting in the push-up position, students pick up a ball with their right hand and touch the ball to the top of their head. They put the ball back down on a circle, pick up ball with their left hand and touch it to top of their head. Have them repeat touching their forehead, nose, ears, chin shoulders, chest, elbows, belly button and knees. Repeat. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students double touch each part.

Trojan Salutes
In push-up position, students touch their right hand to their left shoulder, return to push-up position, touch their left hand to their right shoulder, and return to push-up position again. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students touch their head, shoulder, belly button, seat and go down again.

Ball Touches
Beginning in push-up position, students touch their right elbow to the yellow half ball, then return to push-up position. Then they touch their left elbow to the half ball and return to push-up position. They repeat touching their right ear, left ear, right knee, left knee, nose and chin. Repeat. This activity can be timed or numbered.

Advanced Variation: Students double touch each part.

Perfect-Form Push-Ups
Starting in the push-up position, students touch their nose or chin to ball. Touching the ball creates the perfect position for a perfect push-up. Repeat. This exercise can be timed or numbered.

Advanced Variation: Students stop half way down, continue down and touch the touch ball, then go up, stop half way up, and finish the push-up. Repeat.

Around The World
Starting in the push-up position with hands on numbers 1 and 2, students move their hands to 3 and 4, then 5 and 6. Now students move through the steps in reverse order. Repeat. This activity can be timed or numbered.

Advanced Variation: Students move hands not following sequence. Encourage students to be creative.

Starting in the push-up position, students alternate using their right and left hands to unstack the game disks and place them on the right and left circles. When all are unstacked, they then restack the disks. Repeat. This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: When unstacking, students place disks on the opposite side from the active hand.

Chin Juggling
Starting in the push-up position, students pick up a BeanBagBallTM with their right hand, place it under their chin and drop it back into the circle. They, then, pick up the ball with their left hand, place under their chin and drop it back into the circle. Repeat.

This activity can be timed or counted.

Advanced Variation: Students pick up the ball with their right hand and place it under their chin. Then they lower the ball into the circle while doing a push-up, then drop the ball into the circle.

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